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By Barbara Shoup

ISBN-10: 0253022878

ISBN-13: 9780253022875

While reluctantly accompanying her husband and daughter to freshman orientation at Indiana collage, Nora Quillen hears an individual name her identify, a reputation she has now not heard in additional than 25 years. no longer even her husband is aware that again within the ‘60s she was once Jane Barth, a scholar deeply excited about the antiwar circulate. An American song strikes backward and forward in time, telling the tale of Jane, a woman from a working-class kinfolk who fled city after she used to be complicit in a perilous bombing, and Nora, the lady she turned, a spouse and mom dwelling a quiet existence in northern Michigan. An achingly poignant account of a kin overwhelmed below the load of suppressed truths, now on hand as a separate from booklet membership version, An American song illuminates the irrevocability of our offerings and the way these offerings come to compose the music of our lives.

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An American Tune (Break Away Books) by Barbara Shoup

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