Download e-book for iPad: Silas Timberman: A Novel by Howard Fast

By Howard Fast

As the purple Scare grips the USA, a midwestern literature professor turns into an not likely hero within the fight for freedom

Professor Silas Timberman hasn't ever been one for theatrics. A quiet American literature professor at a mid-sized university, Timberman makes a decision to construct a semester’s path round the democratic beliefs of Mark Twain—a topic that less than general conditions wouldn't arouse the suspicions of the college management. yet because the Korean struggle rages on and congressional investigations of power Communists achieve traction, no quantity of ideological nuance is secure. whilst Timberman is requested to give up his paintings or face the repercussions, he unearths that not just his tenure but additionally his very freedom is at stake.


Inspired by means of Fast’s personal persecution by the hands of the home Un-American actions Committee, Silas Timberman is a gripping list of the injustices of McCarthyism and a rousing ode to people who fought opposed to it.


This e-book positive factors an illustrated biography of Howard quick together with infrequent images from the author’s estate.

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Silas Timberman: A Novel by Howard Fast

by Anthony

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