Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing by Gianni A. Di Caro,Guy Theraulaz PDF

By Gianni A. Di Caro,Guy Theraulaz

ISBN-10: 3319069438

ISBN-13: 9783319069432

This publication constitutes the completely refereed post-conference lawsuits of the seventh overseas convention on Bio-Inspired versions of community, details and Computing platforms (Bionetics 2012), held in Lugano, Switzerland, in December 2012. The 23 revised complete papers provided have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from forty submissions. They conceal issues reminiscent of networking, robotics and neural networks, molecular scale and bioinformatics, optimization and bio-inspired modeling in quite a few fields.

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Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems: 7th International ICST Conference, BIONETICS 2012, Lugano, Switzerland, December 10--11, ... and Telecommunications Engineering) by Gianni A. Di Caro,Guy Theraulaz

by John

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