Download e-book for kindle: Biotechnology and Society: An Introduction by Hallam Stevens

By Hallam Stevens

ISBN-10: 022604596X

ISBN-13: 9780226045962

ISBN-10: 022604601X

ISBN-13: 9780226046013

With Biotechnology and Society, Hallam Stevens bargains an updated primer to assist us comprehend the interactions of biotechnology and society and the debates, controversies, fears, and hopes that experience formed how we predict approximately our bodies, organisms, and existence within the twenty-first century. Stevens addresses such subject matters as genetically transformed meals, cloning, and stem cells; genetic checking out and the possibility of discrimination; fears of (and, from time to time, hopes for) dressmaker infants; own genomics; biosecurity; and biotech artwork. Taken as a complete, the booklet offers a transparent, authoritative photo of the connection among biotechnology and society this present day, and the way our conceptions (and misconceptions) of it can form destiny advancements. it really is a vital quantity for college kids and students operating with biotechnology, whereas nonetheless being obtainable to the overall reader drawn to the reality in the back of breathless media money owed approximately biotech’s promise and perils.

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Biotechnology and Society: An Introduction by Hallam Stevens

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