Download PDF by Walter D. van Suijlekom: Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics (Mathematical

By Walter D. van Suijlekom

ISBN-10: 9401791619

ISBN-13: 9789401791618

This e-book presents an advent to noncommutative geometry and offers a few its contemporary functions to particle physics. it's meant for graduate scholars in mathematics/theoretical physics who're new to the sphere of noncommutative geometry, in addition to for researchers in mathematics/theoretical physics with an curiosity within the actual functions of noncommutative geometry. within the first half, we introduce the most ideas and strategies via learning finite noncommutative areas, offering a “light” method of noncommutative geometry. We then continue with the overall framework by means of defining and examining noncommutative spin manifolds and deriving a few major effects on them, comparable to the neighborhood index formulation. within the moment half, we express how noncommutative spin manifolds obviously supply upward push to gauge theories, using this precept to express examples. We hence geometrically derive abelian and non-abelian Yang-Mills gauge theories, and finally the whole usual version of particle physics, and finish via explaining how noncommutative geometry may point out find out how to continue past the traditional Model.

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Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics (Mathematical Physics Studies) by Walter D. van Suijlekom

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