Polo ... Game Changer - download pdf or read online

By Chase Baldewyn

ISBN-10: 1312884487

ISBN-13: 9781312884489

Polo ... video game Changer is the 3rd e-book in a trilogy of political novels via Chase Baldewyn. Written sooner than Trump’s crusade and election, the trilogy has characters, tales and conversation that offer distinct perception as to how and why Donald Trump will be elected. The trilogy is predicated on ethnographic learn carried out over a decade on billionaire plutocratic households in Grand Rapids, Michigan. the second one novel within the trilogy, fake religion and Equestrian video games, exposes the hyperlink among ISIS and the Alt-Right.

In Polo ... video game Changer, the protagonist, Rolf Lambert, a billionaire plutocrat like Trump, makes an attempt to manage the media to advertise his new, particular, luxurious retail company utilizing the elite recreation of polo whereas secretly development a hidden strength base intended to denationalise govt and eventually create a globalocracy governed through the ultra-rich. Lambert manipulates a journalist, Alicia Woodson, to advertise his company, yet on the finish of the tale, Woodson is situated by means of Lambert to testify as a fake witness to an unlawful violent act through Lambert’s daughter-in-law and needs to pick out both to reveal the reality or guard Lambert by means of mendacity, just like dilemmas in all likelihood confronted through Trump’s employees. the tale finds Lambert’s clash with different billionaires resulting in a excessive stakes polo video game matching patriotism and reasonable play opposed to Lambert’s self-serving company pursuits and his wish to win in any respect expenses utilizing a video game altering gimmick that stretches the rules.

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Polo ... Game Changer by Chase Baldewyn

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