Download e-book for iPad: ROGUE PATRIOT by Gerald Meunier

By Gerald Meunier

ISBN-10: 1936214350

ISBN-13: 9781936214358

Washington, DC FBI agent, Clay Holt, thinks he has a typical life—a loving spouse, attractive teenagers, an excellent occupation, and a pleasant home—until the evening his spouse wakes him up with worry in her eyes. She concerns that terrorists will pass the Mexico border to assault DC and insists that they circulation in different places for his or her children’s security. tomorrow, she is killed through an unlawful. Blaming politicians for her loss of life, Clay tells his associate that he can not “live a lie” operating for the govt.

His wife’s fears turn out to be well-founded. Iran sends Islamic extremist, Assim Badaseri, to the United States through Mexico with a plan to detonate a filthy bomb in Washington. Badaseri is sworn to kill any infidel who discovers his presence the following.

Clay is decided to satisfy the deathbed promise made to his spouse to guard their teenagers. yet, whereas traveling his mom and dad in Colorado for Christmas, destiny steers him into the trail of Badaseri. The Iranian thinks he’s been stumbled on. He attempts yet fails to kill Clay, who escapes and returns to Washington ignorant of what he’s up opposed to. After one other failed try, this time at Clay’s condo, Badaseri kidnaps his youngsters to maintain him quiet.

Haunted by way of his wife’s dying and dealing with the lack of his youngsters, Clay overcomes his contempt for the govt. and asks his former boss for support. If he doesn't locate Badaseri ahead of he assaults Washington, his young ones will die.

As varied ladies love Clay amidst the heart-pounding motion, Meunier unleashes a high-voltage portrayal of secretive mosques, ruthless Islamic justice, and suicide bombers at NFL playoff games—all opposed to a backdrop of human trafficking and unlawful immigration.

For an individual all in favour of the porous Mexico border, Gerald Meunier promises a scathing indictment of Washington politics and politicians. ROGUE PATRIOT indicates how the government's failure to safe the border could have devastating results for any patriotic American . . .
. . . and everybody with regards to him (or her).

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ROGUE PATRIOT by Gerald Meunier

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