Download PDF by Don Chivers: The Expendable Man : C.A.T. (Countries Against Terrorism)

By Don Chivers

ISBN-10: 160976353X

ISBN-13: 9781609763534

During the chilly conflict with the Soviet Union, an influential American in army intelligence rewarded Ian McGregor for saving his daughters. McGregor was once enrolled in an laborious education application to take advantage of his many attributes, and to additional his benefactor’s profession to the prestige of “general.”

The Expendable guy is a taut mystery loaded with spies and political intrigue.

Old hardliners within the Kremlin shaped a clandestine crew to oppose Gorbachev’s politics as being untimely. To turn out their aspect, they schemed with a drug cartel and different felony gangs to undermine the yankee economic climate and make President Reagan’s inspiration of laying a protecting cover over the USA seem like a ludicrous boast.

McGregor pissed off their plans some time past, earlier than changing into an agent for an elite association named C.A.T. (Countries opposed to Terrorism). He replaced his identify, profession, and site to marry the girl he enjoyed, merely to be tracked by means of killers cause on obeying a long-standing order to assassinate him.

McGregor is compelled to revert to his outdated id and turns into an excellent extra ambitious adversary to settle rankings with the mafia and to unmask a perilous terrorist. Will he turn into The Expendable Man?

Author Bio:
Don Chivers grew up in Cardiff, South Wales, and now lives in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada. he's a retired clinic administrator who has a photographic memory.

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The Expendable Man : C.A.T. (Countries Against Terrorism) by Don Chivers

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