The Verdier Memorial Conference on Integrable Systems: Actes by V. Babelon,P. Cartier,Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach PDF

By V. Babelon,P. Cartier,Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach

ISBN-10: 0817636536

ISBN-13: 9780817636531

This ebook constitutes the lawsuits of the foreign convention on Integrable structures in reminiscence of J.-L. Verdier. It used to be hung on July 1-5, 1991 on the Centre foreign de Recherches Mathematiques (C.I.R.M.) at Luminy, close to Marseille (France). This selection of articles, masking many features of the speculation of integrable Hamiltonian platforms, either finite and infinite-dimensional, with an emphasis at the algebro-geometric meth ods, is released the following as a tribute to Verdier who had deliberate this confer ence earlier than his dying in 1989 and whose lively involvement with this subject introduced integrable platforms to the fore as an issue for energetic examine in France. The dying of Verdier and his spouse on August 25, 1989, in a motor vehicle twist of fate close to their nation residence, was once a surprise to we all who have been familiar with them, and used to be very deeply felt within the arithmetic group. We knew of no greater solution to honor Verdier's reminiscence than to continue with either the college on Integrable structures on the C.I.M.P.A. (Centre foreign de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees in Nice), and the convention at the related subject matter that used to be to stick with it, as he himself had deliberate them.

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The Verdier Memorial Conference on Integrable Systems: Actes du Colloque International de Luminy (1991) (Progress in Mathematics) by V. Babelon,P. Cartier,Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach

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