Heavy Love: The Epic, Vol 1 (Heavy Love, the Epic) by Natasha D. Pinero PDF

By Natasha D. Pinero

ISBN-10: 1537733141

ISBN-13: 9781537733142

Heavy Love, the Epic, is the burgeoning ardour epic of Giovanna Salvatore and Joaquin Blue, affectionately referred to as Gio and Jo. In a truly designated manner, this love tale is a latest day model of the biblical prophet Hosea and his bride, Gomer.

Jo and Gio's love tale is the type that makes the guts soften and the knees buckle; filled with adolescence, sincerity and fortunately ever after. Jo is style, attractive and gracious. Gio is harsh, attractive yet tricky. whereas at the open air their union could appear not going, it really is actually, what every one wishes ...and calls for. while the celebs align and make allowance their like to be, all problems with their prior and fears in their destiny are perpetually settled and made entire via their togetherness.

This love is heavy! sign up for their days of younger love and frivolity during this first quantity of a 4 half sequence that would span into the a long time prior to, in the course of and after this marvelous couple existed. Fall in love with them as they fall in love with one another and discover if this love is heavy sufficient to final a lifetime!

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Heavy Love: The Epic, Vol 1 (Heavy Love, the Epic) by Natasha D. Pinero

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